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Ben D. Mor06-Jun-2017 02:55
Lars, sent PM.
Sharon Cohen 18-Nov-2014 11:02
Ben--are you still in Kiryat Tivon. Would love to talk to you about your photographs--I would love to purchase a couple for my nephew. His name is Tivon and he is coming to Tivon in December to celebrate his barmotzvah--from South Africa. I thought a picture of Tivon would be a perfect gift,
Michael 28-Jul-2011 09:47
I am interested in Kiryat Tivon and would like further information about....and from the research and your photos it seems STUNNING. But.....

Is Kiryat Tivon appropriate for someone who:

1. Wants to rent
2. Is single and 35
3. Seeking quiet and space and green and community(a change from city life)
4. Works from home
5. Access to larger city when needed
6. Some English speakers to not feel totally isolated


Michael Weinberg
Michael 28-Jul-2011 09:45
I am interested in Kiryat Tivon and would like further information about....and from the research and your photos it seems STUNNING. But.....

Is Kiryat Tivon appropriate for someone who:

1. Wants to rent
2. Is single and 35
3. Seeking quiet and space and green and community(a change from city life)
4. Works from home
5. Access to larger city when needed
6. Some English speakers to not feel totally isolated


Michael Weinberg
Peretz van Raalte 05-Jul-2008 11:08
dear Ben ,
Thank you for the wonderfull pictures
We lived in K.Tivon from 1957 -1999: Habonimstr. K.Amal
My wife and me are amateur photographers. We participated several times in amateur-photo exhibitions at the Tivon memorial Center and had private exhibitions in K.Tivon, and seroundings and later at our present residence in Kfar Saba.
Apart of that I am a video-filmmaker .( a lot of videofilms in /over Tivon and its
Peretz van Raalte
Mindy Sperling 04-Jun-2008 22:27
Hello, Ben. Our kind and wonderful friend, Yehudit, arranges to send letters of exchange from and to the children of Israel and those at our local day schools in a friendship pen-pal project. She has opened my world to beautiful photos, like yours of K. Tivon, and pix some hand-drawn by the children and from around the world. Could you please help us to find her and remain in contact. We changed our phone service several months ago. We lost everyone-s e-mail addresses. We lost contact with our wonderful friend, Yehudit. Todah rabah and thank you for your photos that elevate the spirit and enrich the mind as the beauty takes us to new reaches of the human imagination and broadens our vision and understanding of the world around us with great memories of our last visit to K. Tivon MTS
Guest 05-Mar-2008 22:33
Hi Ben !
You asked what lens this(x) picture was taken with.
It is shot with the 70-200mm f/2.8 IS !
Thank you !
Regards from Espen.

Igor Polotsky09-Sep-2007 23:38
Thank you kindly for the comments,
Cheers, Igor
Guest 24-Jul-2007 12:52
Enjoyed your galleries especially the time you spent showing off each lens
Guest 27-Jun-2007 13:04
I think looking through your pictures is time well spent.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:24
Wonderfully magical.
Ben D. Mor27-Jul-2006 06:40
Hi Eric:
The rail or cable car you're referring to is in Elroi/Kiryat Charoshet, where Rakevet Ha'emek used to stop on its way from Haifa to Damascus... It ceased operation in 1948-49. The picture was taken in the park commemorating the train. The synagogue is in Izrael Street, Kiryat Amal. Thanks for visiting, Ben
Eric 26-Jul-2006 21:13
I used to live in Kiryat Amal 60 years ago in rechov Keren kajemet.
What is that rail or cable car ? Where did they built the Synagoge ?

Toda raba
Guest 12-Jun-2006 15:43
One day, I will reach your level. Your pictures possesses a mysteriously motivating aura. But for now, I just need to figure out how to use this stupid Photoshop.
Guest 01-Jun-2006 13:21
Fantastic gallery, thanks for sharing and keep up the excellent work.
Karyn 17-Feb-2006 17:53
Love your work. my daughter lives in your town with her husband, she studies art at oranim. Her teachers have told her that she hears the sound of color and I was just writing an article for a book on Israel based on that thought - to hear the sound of color. You seem to do that with your lens. Nice job.
Guest 08-Feb-2006 23:33
As you can guess, I don’t live in Israel now, actually not since 1989, it is really nice to see all these images from Israel, they also very high quality.
I wondered how you got to see my images; I can only guess that you looked at the Sigma 10-20mm galleries, how do you like it? I use it on a Nikon.
I also like the beach images, nice captures there.
Be well

Dror A
Ben D. Mor18-Jul-2005 08:35
DG, could it be Yair Shemesh? He's the only one in the book. Let me know and I'll get you his phone number.
Thanks for your comments, Ben
Guest 17-Jul-2005 20:41
Hiya, Ben. Noticed a few captions labelled "Tivon". beautiful shots of a beautiful area, by the way.
I used to have an acquaintance in Tivon, Yakir Shemesh, brother of my best friend.I lost contact with him over the years. If you know him, pls pass on my "da"sh"
Damien Ryan 02-Mar-2005 06:29
Hi Ben;
My name is Damien Ryan and I'm writing a travel article for a paper here in Australia.
I need a good picture of Akaroa New Zealand and I hope you will give me permission to use your pic taken on September 4th last year.
Please let me know as soon as possible.
Of course your work would be credited. Do you have any other conditions?

Regards Damien Ryan