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Bill Taylor's Recent Galleries

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31-Jan-2025 20:47
Various Wildlife
:: Various Wildlife ::
14-Dec-2024 02:07
🏙️ San Francisco 🌆
:: 🏙️ San Francisco 🌆 ::
13-Dec-2024 20:18
 San Francisco Bay Area
::  San Francisco Bay Area ::
08-Dec-2024 20:52
Sandhill Cranes
:: Sandhill Cranes ::
20-Oct-2024 19:48
Herons and Egrets
:: Herons and Egrets ::
21-Sep-2024 23:06
:: balloons ::
12-Sep-2024 19:56
Reno Nevada
:: Reno Nevada ::
08-Aug-2024 19:30
Las Vegas and Southern Nevada
:: Las Vegas and Southern Nevada ::
05-Aug-2024 21:10
🚗 Reno Hot August Nights 🚗
:: 🚗 Reno Hot August Nights 🚗 ::