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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> RISD Photo courses >> Rhode Island School of Design Photo Course - Photo LIghting >> Assignment 1 - show us you best 5 shots > pbase Prior to sunrise Sachusest or Second beach _DSC1305.jpg
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pbase Prior to sunrise Sachusest or Second beach _DSC1305.jpg

This was about 20 minutes prior to Sunrise while hiking up on cliff to take pictures of the rising sun over 2nd beach in Middletown RI. Here is the very patient dogs who let me take pictures ...

Nikon D700
1/8s f/5.6 at 240.0mm iso1000 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time26-Aug-2008 05:47:22
ModelNIKON D700
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length240 mm
Exposure Time1/8 sec
ISO Equivalent1000
Exposure Bias-1.00
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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optimist27-Aug-2008 02:52
Jackdad26-Aug-2008 20:22
marvellous patterns and light.
mollywb 26-Aug-2008 15:53
masterful. belongs in an art gallery
Bryan Murahashi26-Aug-2008 15:31
Very nice tones in this capture. V
Faye White26-Aug-2008 14:56
beautiful light on the surfaces
Guest 26-Aug-2008 14:48
love the tone