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Pbase Sunrise on September 5 2006.jpg

One of those sunrises that you just stop to watch..

September 5 2006

Week 36 picture of the week

Nikon D70
1/80s f/4.5 at 18.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Mindy McNaugher13-Sep-2006 02:55
Wow!!! Magnificent shot! Vote!
JW10-Sep-2006 18:27
looks like the weather improved after we returned home!

This is a super picture. Ideal for wide-angle. GMV
Sharon Rogers06-Sep-2006 15:52
oh wow you lucky thing to see that!!!v>
Zak06-Sep-2006 10:13
Steven Jusczyk06-Sep-2006 07:52
Jackdad06-Sep-2006 07:03
that's a lively sunrise.
QUERIDO06-Sep-2006 06:02
very nice shot,vote
Dennis Hoyne06-Sep-2006 03:49
Sheila06-Sep-2006 00:59
Totally amazing!
Katie Chew06-Sep-2006 00:13
Tricia05-Sep-2006 23:37
WOW, that is a beautiful shot, you must be glad you stopped to watch.
Guest 05-Sep-2006 23:01
NO kidding! Wow! Very nice.