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joanteno | all galleries >> Sunrise from the End of the Street >> Sunrises from 2006 > pbase November 1 2006.jpg
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pbase November 1 2006.jpg

Can you belive it is November?

Picture of the Week.. only 7 weeks to go for YEAR 2!!!

Nikon D80
1/500s f/5.6 at 112.0mm iso400 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time31-Oct-2006 07:20:24
ModelNIKON D80
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length112 mm
Exposure Time1/500 sec
ISO Equivalent400
Exposure Bias-0.67
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Yiannis Pavlis24-Dec-2006 05:28
This is incredible picutre. Beautiful work indeed. The perspective and colors are wonderfull
Guest 09-Nov-2006 14:35
Stunning color and mood Joan! v!
Ray :)04-Nov-2006 22:53
Yes I can, there are some fabulous weather conditions to be had in this time of year.
Greg Harp04-Nov-2006 17:39
Gorgeous shot. GMV
Martin Wenzel04-Nov-2006 00:07
Beautiful, peaceful image!
Joanne Kamo03-Nov-2006 15:25
Excellent golden orange colors, very peaceful. V
Liz Bickel02-Nov-2006 21:02
Very lovely slice of life.
Guest 02-Nov-2006 19:22
Beautiful warm tones...v
Jackdad02-Nov-2006 18:54
wow, that's beautiful.
royalld02-Nov-2006 17:33
Awesome Autumn colors.
Guest 02-Nov-2006 14:45
Jusdt gorgeous Joan. V
JW02-Nov-2006 07:11
Beautiful scene
Bill Ewart Jr02-Nov-2006 04:17
Ahhhh, the golden hour! Seems to last only a few minutes caught it wonderfully here!!!!!!
Gayle P. Clement02-Nov-2006 02:09
Very beautiful light, Joan.
Sheila02-Nov-2006 01:38
Glorious golden sky and reflection!
lgprice02-Nov-2006 01:31
beautiful light and comp
Focus02-Nov-2006 01:16
This is a true winner..........awesome! GMV
Katie Chew02-Nov-2006 00:49
Such a beautiful peaceful image! V
Bryan Ramsay02-Nov-2006 00:48
With great fall shots like this yes! Very nice. -BJ GMV