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Gordon W's Recent Galleries

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12-Mar-2025 15:15
Latest Photos
<< Latest Photos >>
12-Mar-2025 14:26
Winter 2024/25 Gallery
<< Winter 2024/25 Gallery >>
10-Mar-2025 12:19
Canon EOS 90D
<< Canon EOS 90D >>
10-Mar-2025 12:19
My Best Shots
<< My Best Shots >>
10-Mar-2025 12:19
Nightscapes Gallery
<< Nightscapes Gallery >>
10-Mar-2025 12:19
Smiths Falls At Night
<< Smiths Falls At Night >>
10-Mar-2025 12:19
Tamron 18-400mm Lens Gallery
<< Tamron 18-400mm Lens Gallery >>
10-Mar-2025 12:19
By Rail
<< By Rail >>
10-Mar-2025 12:19
Smiths Falls Rail
<< Smiths Falls Rail >>
09-Mar-2025 19:58
Barns & Sheds Gallery
<< Barns & Sheds Gallery >>
09-Mar-2025 19:28
Nikon Coolpix P1000 Photo Gallery
<< Nikon Coolpix P1000 Photo Gallery >>
09-Mar-2025 19:28
Swans of Smiths Falls
<< Swans of Smiths Falls >>