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Dwayne Senft | profile | all galleries | recent

Profile for Dwayne Senft
Name Dwayne Senft (joined 14-Feb-2013) (pbase supporter)
Username nikonuser
Location Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
View Galleries : Dwayne Senft has 66 galleries and 1176 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 181691 times.

Message from Dwayne Senft
Welcome to my photo site.

First a bit about the photographer. Have been shooting since the mid 70's and for the most part like old buildings, landscapes and people. On the bottom of the list even though I have done well in competitions are flowers and photojournalism.

I could Paint with Light all night at least 3 nights a week.. HDR is my friend!!!

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