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Rick Neuenschwander | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Rick Neuenschwander
Name Rick Neuenschwander (joined 20-Jul-2006) (pbase supporter)
Username rgnplus13
Personal URL
Location midwest (northeast Indiana)
midwest (northeast Indiana)
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View Galleries : Rick Neuenschwander has 118 galleries and 3011 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 459475 times.

View Guestbook : 2 messages. Most recent on 19-Nov-2007.

Message from Rick Neuenschwander
Hello My name is Rick. I found while looking for images of aircraft. I like motorsports, airshows and travel. I hope that some of the images that are found here will appeal to some. Since most of the people that use this site like photography I am sure that I can get quality feedback on my images so that I may improve as time goes on. Thank you for stopping to take a look.


Nikon D90 with battery grip
Nikon D300 with battery grip (2)
Nikon 18-70mm ED lens
Nikon 28-105mm/3.5-4.5f lens
Nikon 35-70mm/2.8f lens
Nikon 80-200mm/2.8f lens
Sigma 120-300mm/2.8f lens
Nikon SB600 flash

Tamrac Belt System
Tamrac Sling
Tamrac Backpack
Op/tech Dual Harness
Manfrotto Monopod
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