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Teila K. Day | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Teila K. Day
Name Teila K. Day (joined 13-Oct-2005) (pbase supporter)
Username teiladay
teiladay at
Location Panama City Beach, FL
Panama City Beach, FL
View Galleries : Teila K. Day has 6 galleries and 129 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 7156610 times.

View Guestbook : 67 messages. Most recent on 11-Nov-2017.

Message from Teila K. Day
The emphasis in these galleries is "realism". I (and the rest of our small group) enjoy capturing brain-and-body models/clients... soccer moms, who hold a professional license (meaning a license that requires a college degree), those who are well traveled and spoken, university educated military moms, and college grads who have real goals- you know, the 20 year old who aspires to study cellular/molecular biology, –– as opposed to –– the typical internet model wanting to be the next Playboy Playmate (of all things), those who waste money on an absolutely worthless university major, or women with the lofty goal of "getting married"... That’s a 'goal'? are you kidding me?

You will notice that I like photographing social discord, controversy, social progressiveness (in the form of social, educational, & intellectual furtherance.. not in the context of what the U.S. Democratic Party thinks makes good social policy). I keep the secrets that i'm told, and loathe human hypocrisy. I don't entertain financial whining from those who haven't put in the work to achieve their own financial soundness.

My penchant for "partial" photography will often become apparent as I relish photographing adults who would likely lose their job or position because of what they do on their own time (being photographed). The subjects and I get a kick out of their photographs being viewed all over the world by literally millions of people who have no idea who they are; Someone's mom? Your child's 3rd grade teacher? Your daughter or wife? Young military Lieutenant? Sunday school teacher/church choir lady? Pediatrician? Registered nurse? Licensed engineer? Attorney? High School cheerleading captain?

I think capturing one's true sentiment, essence and experience, is not only worthwhile - but educational, fun and sometimes very sad. Feel free to take your time and enjoy the gallery.

Thank you for stopping by.

Teila K. Day


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