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Gary Hebert | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Bill Jones 19-Aug-2017 01:31
Gary, thank you. Many of the photographs were very moving. Probably entailing getting up very early in the morning.
john wick 01-Jun-2017 11:16
Enjoying scuba with Cabo Trek is out of the world experience. This adventure was safe and amazing in all respect. The professional guides were friendly and helped us in every possible manner. Since I am not a native, they paid extra attention towards me and I am really thankful for their cooperation.
Graeme03-Jan-2015 00:09
Happy New Year and all the very best for 2015 Gary!!
Marvin Lee29-Aug-2014 07:56
Nice galleries and photos!
Gail Miller26-Jul-2014 14:39
I plan to spend some time looking at your stunning galleries!!
Guest 18-Jul-2014 20:53
Appreciate your nice comment on my pano image...
John C. de Freitas16-Jun-2013 18:03
I just wanted to say thank for sharing all the beautiful pictures. I'm glad to have found your great work. Also I want to thank you for your kind comment on my images. I have added you on to my favorites list, so can visit again.
Guest 27-May-2013 01:14
hey gary
Tom Grey28-Nov-2012 22:15
Gary, thanks for your comment, and even more thanks for bringing me to this site and showing me your beautiful work in all its variety.
Guest 22-Nov-2012 05:58
Thanks Gary for the nice comment on my Turkeys image...
Guest 04-Sep-2012 15:13
Thanks Gary, Moose are a bit rare in this area of Montana and I was quite surprised when I spotted this one....
Guest 22-Jun-2012 14:12
Thanks Gary,
I believe this Fawn was a newborn. I have been scouting the local areas and this is the first one I spotted....
Terry J. Graham06-Apr-2012 19:30
Hi Gary, just came upon you galleries by accident. It's always nice to see what other Canadians are posing. If you get a chance, please visit my little corner of pbase.
Jacques Falardeau30-Nov-2011 02:18
Hi Gary!
Thanks for your nice comment
and visiting my gallery
Dawn Weber 01-Nov-2011 17:55
Incredibly beautiful work Gary! You should be very proud of yourself. Keep it up!
Guest 06-Oct-2011 15:18
I do appreciate your nice comment on my Fall Colors and Barn image...
Our colors are beginning to turn but, are spotty at the moment..
Guest 30-Mar-2011 03:09
Thanks Gary for your nice comment on my Winter Scene...
Jeffrey Lewis Knapp02-Jan-2011 17:07
Happy New Year Gary. Great photos of bugs collection. Keep up the wonderful work
Ian Wyatt01-Oct-2010 22:43
Hi Garry thanks for dropping by my gallery, Moraine Lake is a beautiful place, loved it, the Kakadu shot was pretty much as was increased the levels a tad and also the saturation, it is a fantastic place to visit, if you ever get down this way let me know. Enjoy the Lakes area
Ian Wyatt01-Oct-2010 08:33
you have a simply inspiring set of galleries Gary, I will visit again when I can
Guest 03-Feb-2010 02:31
Hi Gary, your photos give me a chance to see the beauty of your place through your lens. thanks for sharing. ss
Guest 10-Jun-2009 04:43
Wow! Nice to see the old Eastern Washington schoolhouse on Highway 2 from the other side (refer to for another POV). Looks as though you had a nice visit. J. R.
Guest 24-Feb-2009 08:51
Thanks a lot for your appreciated comment and congratulations for your gallery.
Mike 16-Nov-2008 20:09
Hi Gary,

I just found your photography by searching for Banff photographs on Google. I've very much enjoyed looking at your photography. Your work from Banff is absolutely gorgeous - so well shot. Thanks so much for posting it up.

Photos by Paul14-Sep-2008 02:48
MARVELOUS work, Gary ! I'll take one of each. Do you "gift wrap" ? {:-}
Guest 03-Aug-2008 16:41
Thanks for the kind comment :)
Guest 15-Jul-2008 14:16
Thanks Gary for the nice comment on my Misty Morning image...
Lynda 18-Jun-2008 14:30
Hi Gary
Thanks for sharing your pictures, they are awesome, glad you were with us one the balloon ride, my pictures do not compare to yours.
bhav 07-Apr-2008 12:00
wow great pictures....i enjoyed aot.....keep up the great work
Guest 18-Jan-2008 18:06
Thanks you very much for kind comments on my gallery. I really enjoyed looking through all of your galleries as well......
Guest 22-Dec-2007 23:43
all the pics are awesome!!!!!!! keep up the great work!!!
blizzard27-Nov-2007 20:44
Hi Gary
I just got a good look at you E3 photos look great
if you have time give me a honest review
I am sitting on the fence waiting to buy a new camera a d300 or A E3
oly owns the lens part for sure, but never owning a oly I have some doubts.
question olympus master gee I forgot the name any way I shoot landscapes mostly and wonder about the softwear, the nx capture by nikon is top shelf
I can tell you have a talent for camera work so your addvice is most welcome
Joaquin M Garcia Leal11-Oct-2007 11:10
Thanks for your nice comment on my "image 85746562 - Collado de la Najarra"
Sandi Whitteker19-Sep-2007 19:02
Your pics are just stunning Gary. Going to keep an eye on you. Keep 'em coming! Sandi
Guest 15-Sep-2007 16:45
This is a beautiful gallery Gary
Guest 27-Aug-2007 02:15
I am inspired by your work! I must return to Alberta -- the land of my ancestors.
bluejoys 10-Aug-2007 03:21
wow~ Great pictures you took. I really enjoyed. ;)
I appreciate your hard work.
bookmarked your gallery.
Guest 27-Jun-2007 13:58
You're already very good and I'm sure you'll post even better work in the future.
Guest 25-Jun-2007 13:31
Thanks Gary for your nice comment on my Dragonfly...
Robert Houde27-May-2007 19:37
Excellent pictures, congratulations, your sceneries photos make me dream of returning there, I have just start a week ago to had pictures on PBase.
Guest 30-Apr-2007 13:34
Thanks Gary,
Our wildflowers are just begining to appear...
Guest 07-Mar-2007 15:18
In awe.
Guest 01-Feb-2007 15:21
Nice Home page image...
Thanks Gary for your nice comments on my images...
Mario Weusten03-Jan-2007 07:22
Happy New Year to you, and your family and friends
GR Mario
Guest 30-Nov-2006 20:01
Thanks Gary for kind comments on my image. I've added you to my favorites list.
Guest 28-Nov-2006 13:32
Thanks Gary for your nice comment on my winter scenic...
From all reports this might be an early one, and long...Might make up for all those mild ones we have had these past years...we need the moisture in the high country...
Guest 22-Nov-2006 03:18
Thanks for your nice comments, Gary!
You got realy beautiful galleries.
Guest 19-Nov-2006 05:58
This is truly a wonderful gallery! I hope I can get to this level someday...Keep up the good work!
Guest 18-Nov-2006 16:00
Thanks for your comment, Gary. Your photos are exellent. I like your unique canadian nature much.
Naomi 15-Nov-2006 00:49
Thank you for sharing these lovely images.
Guest 13-Nov-2006 15:38
Thanks Gary...
Guest 13-Nov-2006 11:20
Thanks Gary for your comments :) You got some amazing galleries out there! will take me a long time to go through all :)
Cheers San
Guest 31-Oct-2006 21:50
I have just discovered your galleries, and have spent 45 minutes gasping out loud as image after magnificent image unfolded onto my Macintosh screen. I was doing some work on my own pictures ( when your site popped up -- and I'm so glad it did. There are so many photographers on Pbase, but today I have added you to my favorites list. I am having difficulty finding sufficient words to respond to your exquisite work, and look forward to an ongoing perusal of your powerfully environmental "eye." Kudos, and thanks, Cecilia Winston
Guest 30-Oct-2006 14:13
Thanks Gary for your very kind words on my images....
Guest 14-Oct-2006 15:46
Thanks Gary, I have alway liked the Wild Rose...
Growing up my Grangmother used to have us kids pick the Rose Hips so she could make tea...
Marcia Colelli13-Oct-2006 15:43
Thank you once again for your comment on my Cabo beach shot
Guest 13-Oct-2006 14:23
Again, thanks for the nice comment...
Guest 13-Oct-2006 13:59
Thanks Gary ...
Marcia Colelli12-Oct-2006 18:36
Thank you so much for your comments on my Cabo Beach shot. I have soooo many more but I am trying to be patient:) I have not even looked at all of them yet. Just got home about 8 hours ago.

Wow, I have just looked at your work and it is really beautiful. Thanks again for yur comment
Guest 06-Oct-2006 12:07
WOW!!! Awesome shot!

Guest 29-Sep-2006 14:26
Thanks Gary...
Fall is just beginning to show its colors around here. Its been sooo hot this past summer, as soon as the leaves begin to change they fall off, I doubt very much we will have a colorfull Fall....
shg220-Sep-2006 20:48
Lots of beautiful and well captured photos. Keep the good work Gary
Sveta 06-Sep-2006 11:49
You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it.
Steve Albano31-Aug-2006 02:34
Thanks for your kind comments on my galleries, I appreciate it. Your work here is in a league of it's own, very impressive. I've been to Calgary once last year, and if I get to go again, I will do everything possible to visit some of the locations in your galleries.
Best Regards,
Steve Albano
James25-Aug-2006 04:51
Beautiful pictures of the parks. Wonderful color and perspective. Excellent galleries.
Guest 24-Aug-2006 21:32
Thanks for your kind comments, Gary! I must say your galleries are all astonishing works of art.
james200223-Aug-2006 12:21
I think your fireworks gallery is quite impressive. Does the competition move around, or is it held in Canada every year? I saw the different countries listed and was wondering if it was their portion of a Canadian show or if that's where the competition was held that year.
Erland Kristensen 21-Aug-2006 08:54
Hello Gary.

At this moment I am sitting in my ”Castle”. My Achilles tendon broke five weeks ago, so I spend much time by the computer. My son told me about “PBase” and then I found your gallery. Your pictures are of a very high quality in any way. You must be a lucky man living in that part of the world. Me and my camera (EOS 350D) would like to go “over there” and “shoot” for my self . People speak about Paradise, you found it.
Congratulations with all your pictures, I could wish one or more for the background to my computer.

All the best to you and your family.


Erland Kristensen
RICH 18-Aug-2006 23:37
T. David13-Aug-2006 19:18
Gary, Thank you for your kind comment on my Sunset from the Key Bridge. It is not only appreciated, but it led me to your fantastic galleries. Calgary and surrounds are beautiful. My total Calgary experience has been from inside the airport. Next time I will get off the plane and explore. What beauty!
Guest 09-Aug-2006 19:37
Thanks for your comments on my PAD :)
Guest 09-Aug-2006 16:25
Thank you for commenting on my potd!
William Hartshorn04-Aug-2006 04:44
Gary.....Spent much time exploring your site and imagery.....Great eye and compositions!
Best, William
Guest 31-Jul-2006 15:39
Thank you for your input, Gary!
Manas Khan26-Jul-2006 23:17
Hi Gary, Thanks again for your comment on my photograph

Guest 29-Jun-2006 05:17
Gary ... you've some fantastic images among your many galleries, and your landscapes in particular are stunning (although, Colorado born and raised, it makes me miss "home"). Given the quality of your photos I'm humbled you stopped by My PaD and took time to comment. Cheers.
Manas Khan28-Jun-2006 21:08
Thanks for your appreciating comment on my photograph

angelique raptakis22-Jun-2006 19:40
Gary, thanks for the comment on my first macro picture and yes, i am discovering macros are fun! :)
Guest 20-Jun-2006 17:08
Gary, thank you for commenting on my POTD!
Manas Khan12-Jun-2006 19:30
Thanks Gary for your appreciating comment on my photograph
Guest 08-Jun-2006 21:24
Thank you for your nice comment on my PAD Gary. Regards
Manas Khan07-Jun-2006 19:53
Thanks Gary for your appreciating comment.
Guest 02-Jun-2006 11:59
Fantastic gallery, thanks for sharing and keep up the excellent work.
Guest 31-May-2006 04:00
Thanks Gary...beautiful home page image...
Guest 30-May-2006 17:23
Thank you so much for your comment on Soft Iris!
Guest 29-May-2006 17:23
Many thanks for the comment on my swan image. I am truly honored. You are a great artist.
Erkan Erdem28-May-2006 23:33
You got a realy beautiful gallery most of the pictures are awesome....
Manas Khan27-May-2006 15:58
Thanks for your appreciation on my photograph
Mario Weusten26-May-2006 20:26
thanks for visit my gallery and post a comment

You have a great collection of images
Yakov 20-May-2006 20:59
And that if to add on a site a history of creation of a site?
Terry 20-May-2006 06:02
Thanks Gary,

Your Gallery reminds me how blessed we are to live in the City of Calgary in the beautiful Province of Alberta. Our busy lives give us so little time to fully appreciate what we have.
Artemiy 11-May-2006 19:38
Tell, and here at you always so?
Guest 11-May-2006 12:56
Thanks Gary...
We both are blessed with the beauty of our areas...
Alida Thorpe03-May-2006 22:48
I enjoy visiting your galleries. Thank you for your visits and comments to my site. I am happy to share this wonderful experience with someone who also enjoys photography.
Guest 13-Apr-2006 16:25
Thanks for the nice comment Gary...
Marcia Colelli13-Apr-2006 13:42
Thank you once again for your very wonderful comment.
csmallari11-Apr-2006 23:28
Thank you so much Gary for the visit to my PAD gallery and for the nice comments. Have a wonderful day :-)
Leonid 06-Apr-2006 16:35
Good site. Me very much has liked.
Kathy and Don 05-Apr-2006 19:51
Hi Gary - love to look at your photos! The one of the foothills and mountains bring back very special memories for me! The butterflies! WOW!!! Keep up the good work!
Kathy and Don
Guest 04-Apr-2006 00:23
Many thanks Gary for the nice comment on my scenic...
Marcia Colelli03-Apr-2006 11:19
Thank you very much for your comment on my butterfly, I love your avatar photo, very nice
Guest 01-Apr-2006 11:15
Thank you for your comment. The tree is just outside our building at work. Brought to new camera in to "show it off" and got a great shot.
Guest 28-Mar-2006 13:32
Many thanks Gary for the nice comments on my gallery,
I'm planning a trip to your two parks, that you have show cased so nicely, this summer and hope to get some really nice images...
Guest 28-Mar-2006 04:29
Excellent work! You have so many beautiful galleries. I'll have to add you to my favorites, and keep checking back.
Mr.Twister 12-Mar-2006 12:39
Wow! Cool Site! I love your site!!
Alida Thorpe28-Feb-2006 13:43
I love your photos of the Canadian countryside and parks. Nice work, gary.
Chris Thorpe26-Feb-2006 22:33
Thank you for your kind observations...I'll work on that horizon tilt! Thanks, Chris
Guest 25-Feb-2006 16:20
Thanks Gary appreciat your nice comment...
Guest 23-Feb-2006 21:32
Thank Gary for your kind comment to my gallery. I am new to photography and having so much fun. I find your gallery joy to look at. Russ
Vivian (Althouse) Isaac 18-Feb-2006 01:34
Wonderful photography!! This is from Vivian (Althouse) Isaac in Regina, classmate of Gary & Myron in Wilkie. You guys must have paid attention in ART as I still can't draw a stickman properly!! Hope to see you in April.
The Suburban Hippie 06-Feb-2006 06:37
Your images are proof positive that the camera doesn't make the photographer but yet a good photographer(like you) can do wonders with any camera!
Debbie B.01-Feb-2006 15:24
Gary, I just looked through your galleries...WOW! Amazingly beautiful images. I just put you on my favorites list. I will check back.
Debbie B.01-Feb-2006 15:22
Thank you Gary for your nice comment on my snowleaf picture.
Debbie B.01-Feb-2006 15:22
Thank you Gary for your nice comment on my snowleaf picture.
Guest 31-Jan-2006 17:29
Thanks Gary for your nice comments...
Guest 21-Jan-2006 14:52
Morning Gary, thanks for your comments, your correct I missed thay spot when I was editeding this image....
Guest 15-Jan-2006 23:53
Gary, You have posted several beautiful galleries of Canadaian scenery. I have visited a few times and always enjoyed it very much as I am too a lover of mountains and nature. Keep posting!!
Guest 14-Jan-2006 23:58
Thanks Gary...
Guest 14-Jan-2006 15:30
First off I like your home page image, proud Grandpa, lol, I just became a grandpa for the fifth time in (boy) December..Thanks for the comments on my last two PaD images, they are always appreciated.
Guest 13-Jan-2006 17:56
Thanks for visiting my galleries.I enjoyed all your fotos.
Have a great year.
Gayle 09-Jan-2006 01:27
my first trip through the awesome mountains of western alberta via highway 1A....breathtaking country...I am looking forward to spring when I can fire up the old 1975 dodge van and tour and camp in that country. B.C. has been home all my life until March when I moved to Calgary....Love it here but the longing for the mountains and streams will never go away.....Nakoda lodge....WOW....your photo gallery ...well words fail me...your talent is above and beyond.....any suggestions for out of the way solitude sites in that country to set up a little camp for me and my little dog?
Attila 06-Jan-2006 23:41
Dear Gary

your photos about the Banff national park are one of the most stunning pictures I have ever seen. I like nature, I have been places here and there, but I am not sure if this park is real - it is so beautiful.

I am truly amazed,thanks for sharing these pics. I wish I could visit this place once.

Attila, EU, Hungary
Carol (Fenrick) Leeuw 06-Jan-2006 17:15
Hi Gary
I was so delighted to be told about the Saskatchewan Centennial 2005 - Wilkie site by my sister Elaine, who has contacted you. Your pictures are just awesome and they certainly brought back lots of memories for me seeing Moe Young, Lynn Ried (who I have corresponded with for many years every Christmas)and many others like Art Reil (who still looks the same as I remember him from years ago. I think perhaps he has found the fountain of youth!!)You look great too Gary. I am so pleased to learn of how well you have done. One always loves to see those from their old home town make good!!! I also loved the old pictures of your dad in uniform and your mom and Philip as a baby. I always remember your dad as a gentle giant. He was a good man. Your mom looks wonderful too. I hope she is enjoying good health. She is certainly blessed in her children. I am one year older than Philip. I was born December 1, 1942 in Wilkie, SK. I have lived in Kamloops, B.C. all of my married life. Married in 1964. Have three sons and now two grandsons who of course are the centre of our lives. Keep up the good work Gary there are many, many more photographs to capture with your camera and your skilled eye. I hope we will all make the celebration of Wilkie's 100th birthday in 2011.
Sincerest regards Carol (Fenrick) Leeuw
Guest 03-Jan-2006 06:12
Thank you for visiting my galleries, and leaving me with such a positive comment.
I'm truly honored. Happy New Year!
Günter Borgemeister30-Dec-2005 08:12
Thanks for your kind comments on my galleries.
Best wishes for you and a very happy new year!
Muthu Vinayagam26-Dec-2005 03:17
Hebert, Thanks for viewing my gallery, i was amazed by your gallery. Beautiful collections. Thanks for sharing your work. Merry Christmas to you.
csmallari26-Dec-2005 00:00
First let me thank you for your nice comment in one of my galleries. What a treat it was for me to have discovered your galleries - You are a wonderful photographer !!!! Your photos are truly a feast for the eyes. Thank you so much for sharing and Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Guest 25-Dec-2005 17:42
Hi Gary
Thanks for viewing and taking the time to comment on my reflection image.
The ISO was a mistake, I had it set at 400 as was looking to get a photo of a resident Grey Heron that lives in the area and wanted the speed.
You have some wonderful galleries and have visited some spectacular locations, I'm very envious!
Merry Christmas to you
Guest 25-Dec-2005 15:34
Gary - Thank you for commenting on this picture. There must have been thousand of Sea Gull's. The picture reflects a very small number. They were like a blanket covering approximately 2 to 3 acres. It's like this on a daily basis. Thank you again - Have a very Merry Christmas.
caveman_lee25-Dec-2005 15:14
Hi Gary,
Thanks for your kind words. Your galleries are really great and impressive. Merry X'mas.
Guest 24-Dec-2005 07:29
Thanks for your nice comment on my PAD Gary. I enjoyed my visit to your gallery, especially the abstracts, I will return often.
Guest 20-Dec-2005 22:37
Thanks Gary, your comments are much appreciated...
Debbie Stahre15-Dec-2005 23:37
Really nice images Gary in your galleries. Your scenes are superbly fantastic! Thank you for always taking the time to comment in my galleries.
Guest 15-Dec-2005 17:30
Thanks Gary for your kind words on my work...
Horoscope 2006 11-Dec-2005 23:42
Very interesting site, beautiful design, thank.
Horoscope 2006 11-Dec-2005 21:21
Very interesting site, beautiful design, thank.
Guest 25-Nov-2005 23:18
Thanks Gary O I do not know about that, Springs not in my sights....
Jerry Curtis25-Nov-2005 16:39
Awesome images, Gary. I especially like the Icefield Parkway series. I travelled that route abot 4 years ago before I had a digital camera. I did get a few decent shots, but wish I had the opportunity again. Might do again before too long.

Thanks again for sharing your work. Very inspiring for a landscape addict.
Guest 25-Nov-2005 08:20
Fantastic scenery and thank you for making the effort to go to all of these amazing places and snapping them for us to enjoy. I'm stuck here in London (UK) just dreaming of the wide open expanses of Canada. I hope you fully appreciate how lucky you are, to see a mountain or a lake I have to fly somewhere, and after these shots, that flight should take me to Canada!
Guest 22-Nov-2005 23:49
Thanks Gary for the nice comment on my water fall picture...
caveman_lee21-Nov-2005 16:02
Thanks for stopping by my galleries.
Jeff Cochran20-Nov-2005 01:11
Awesome galleries.
Guest 17-Nov-2005 10:13
Hi Gary. Many thanks for leaving a comment on my gallery. I've looked over your galleries, absolutely outstanding work. I can see why you've been published. You have a real talent, and I find it hard pressed to pick a favourite, but somehow the Prairie & Foothills Scenes gallery strikes me the most. I love the golden colours of the hay stacks.
QUERIDO10-Nov-2005 20:28
i should post a comment nearly on each picture of your marvellous country, unbelievable colours and light , thanks for sharing
Yvonne Merriam10-Nov-2005 20:03
Thanks for the nice comments left at my humble gallery. I toured through most of your images today and was left positively slack-jawed with amazement at the incredible scenery and natural beauty you've captured! It is truly a pleasure to add you to My Favorite Artists page!
Guest 08-Nov-2005 15:50
I visited your site for the first time today. After I leave your site each time, your pictures are attracting me like a magnet. Each one of your pictures are well composed. Especially the one with the driver and the vacouver skyline and all your abstruct photographs are superb! Each photograph teaches a lesson. You are definitely one of my favorites. Well done.
Guest 08-Nov-2005 04:17
Thanks Gary for your comments on my image...
Guest 04-Nov-2005 15:56
Thanks Gary for your nice comments on my picture...yes, I couldn't agree more
Guest 01-Nov-2005 23:40
All of your images are incredible! I'll definitely be checking back for more...
Guest 27-Oct-2005 13:47
Hi Gary, Thanks for your nice comments on my Frost image...
Eckhart Derschmidt26-Oct-2005 22:23
Hallo Gary, thanks for your encourging comments. You are certainly right about the "original" size of my pics. Actually, I had never tried this format before, so I did not know that it was that big. Well, I am still a pbase-novice, and by the time I (hopefully) will get used to it.
Focus26-Oct-2005 18:54
Nice suggestion that you had on my PaD for today......the new version is much better............thanks!
k.v/dheiden 23-Oct-2005 10:05
Prachtige foto`s we zijn zelf net terug van canada , wat een mooi land ,de rockys ,is of je in een andere wereld waat.
sue anne19-Oct-2005 20:17
I enjoy looking at your pictures. You have an eye for great composition landscapes. Enjoyed the gallery of Oregon :) Thanks for stopping by at my gallery too. :)
Guest 19-Oct-2005 16:47
Hi Gary, thanks for your nice comment on my Falls image.
Peter 15-Oct-2005 17:47
Hi! I ocasionally found your site and I think it is very informative. I've found very much interesting stuff for me... Thanks for your site!
Vixi 15-Oct-2005 14:25
Wat een prachtige vernieuwde website. Heldere opzet en ook een goede kleurstelling. Mooi.
Mijn complimenten!

Met vriendelijke groeten
The Suburban Hippie 11-Oct-2005 01:17
I was looking at your pictures and there is just way to many to comment on. Uh they are all good! I will go back later and spend a lot more time visiting. For right now, it is just too overwhelming!
Louise Chevalier10-Oct-2005 01:13
You were right, the photo was underexposed, we have modified it since, hope you will also like the new version.
Thanks for the comment.
Louise and Alain
Jeff 07-Oct-2005 15:50
Fantastic ! I really enjoyed looking at all the photos :D it's really great!
Keep up the good work, Gary!
Guest 04-Oct-2005 01:15
Your landscape work is an inspiration. What fantastic images!
Thank you for sharing them.
Cheers, Rosmini
Bergen - RAF©UF - VSN - Roald Atle Furre-Christine Urquhart Furre03-Oct-2005 07:08
Your photos are GREAT !!!

Roald Atle Furre
Bergen Norway
Guest 03-Oct-2005 02:57
That is some amazing photgraphy. Some of the nicet scenic shot I have seen. How is the Singray polorizer? I have the Hoya 7 layer I this work well, Is the singray much better?
Alf Terje Vollan29-Sep-2005 16:43
Thanks Gary for taking time commenting one of my images. I have been looking through your
many magnificent galleries long before i got a pbase member myself. Keep up the good work.
Sundevil327-Sep-2005 04:25
Thanks for your comments. You live in a beautiful area, keep up the good work.
Guest 22-Sep-2005 16:11
Your work is awesome. If you ever think about capturing Colorado scenery, I'd love to follow you around for a day. My brother manages a small motel in Granby Colorado that I'd even pay for you to stay at :-)
Roe..20-Sep-2005 10:31
Gary thank you for your comment on my image..this gave me the opportunity to view your galleries...I will return often, your work is outstanding..
Hubert Steed11-Sep-2005 01:47
I've enjoyed your galleries and photos very much. Whenever possible, I want to come back and spend some more time. Thank you for sharing your photos and your kind comment at my pad gallery.
Guest 10-Sep-2005 19:32
Hi Gary, funny you should comment about some off the top.....I composed the image both ways and I leaned towards the presant image....but it worked both ways, thanks for your suggestion. I'm always open for comp0sition ideas that might improve my images.
Focus10-Sep-2005 15:16
All of your galleries are absolutely outstanding.........wonderful work. You have certainly raised the bar for me and my humble galleries.......thanks for sharing. GMV
judyjo05-Sep-2005 04:51
Hey there, Gary...
You asked about color noise in the deer hide, but I think that they are getting their winter coat and look pretty shaggy right now. Thanks for the nice comment, tho.
David Simerly04-Sep-2005 20:30
Gary, thanks for the comment on my image. Whenever someone of talent such as yours leaves a nice comment on my gallery, it really makes my day!
Thanks again.
Guest 04-Sep-2005 18:46
Hi Gary...nice name!!! thanks for your nice comment on my Fog Image...I have browsed your Website and have enjoyed yor work very much.
Stan Richard29-Aug-2005 17:11
Gary, thanks for the nice comments on my Moraine Valley image. Cheers! Stan
Dale Doram26-Aug-2005 11:18
Gary, thanks for visiting my gallery. Really like your Banff and butterfly galleries. Possibly we will meet each other in the mountains.

Dale Doram
Guest 25-Aug-2005 19:48
This banff gallery is freakin awesome....
Eric Pouhier23-Aug-2005 20:22
Thanks for your comment, yes the marmots are emitting a very special noise; your have yourself outstanding photos, I add you to my favorite artists. ERic
Guest 16-Aug-2005 04:58
I love your coverage of the Banff. Truly beatiful. thanks for sharing.
Guest 15-Aug-2005 02:21
thanks for the nice comments. your photos are great.
Guest 12-Aug-2005 00:08
Hi Gary! Thanks for the feedback on my photo of the day! Definitely appreciated as my goal is to get at least a bit better by February so I can get some good shots at the Olympics! Your photos are excellent! Makes me want to visit out west :)
Stan Richard01-Aug-2005 20:47
Gary, thanks for the nice words on my Countryside dawn image. Cheers! Stan
Guest 31-Jul-2005 15:40
Thanks for your comment on the spider. It caused me to go to your galleries.
Oustanding work!
I was especially impressed with the panoramas. I will keep checking back.
Guest 30-Jul-2005 14:58
Yes, great galleries, Gary. I notice your photos with the Olympus 8080 is much more in focus than the average in the pbase 8080 gallery. Do you use manual focus for your flower shots?
Alain-Philippe BAUDRY-KNOPS18-Jul-2005 17:09
beautiful galleries
i like your work
You live in a nice country
Bets regards
Alain Philipe
The Suburban Hippie 14-Jul-2005 03:41
Your gallieries are fantastic. Too many to mention individually!
Dan08-Jul-2005 14:51
Just wanted to thank you for your kind comments on several of my PAD images. Your galleries are really nice and it makes your comments that much more meaningful. I think we are both lucky in that we live in wonderful parts of our world.
sonneries portable 07-Jul-2005 22:27
beautiful site and great work
contact 06-Jul-2005 15:03
je te contacte pour te dire que tes pages sont tres bien faites
Guest 06-Jul-2005 02:37
Hi, Gary, thanks for your comment in my galleries. You have sensitive eyes. hehe.
Guest 06-Jul-2005 01:53
Hi Gary, thanks for your kind words. I really enjoyed your images of the Canadian countryside...truly amazing. I hope to make shots like that one day. Keep up the fantastic work.
Sonneries Nokia 01-Jul-2005 20:59
Your website is very magic and beautiful
Guest 01-Jul-2005 15:13
I love your galleries in particular those concern with nature photography
thanks fod sharing your outstanding work
P.S. thank you for your kind comment on my flower .
Guest 27-Jun-2005 20:04
Thanks, one of the very best. I always like Canadian Rockies. It makes me
think going back again, again, and again.

sonnerie mobile 22-Jun-2005 19:39
it's a very great and faboulous site I'm french and i like you work
Mary Mignano16-Jun-2005 10:41
Gary, thanks for visiting my pbase site. After enjoying your incredible photos, I am thrilled you took the time to comment on mine. Your work is very inspiring.
Guest 04-Jun-2005 15:26
Hello Gary, thank you for leaving a message on my site. I spend some time going through your galleries. Very talented. I especially like the pictures from the Yoho National Park. The colors and the beautiful landscapes are amazing. Thanks for sharing.
coaster03-Jun-2005 04:50

I looked at your galleries. You have many beautiful images. Keep 'em coming!

Dan Wyman
Guest 28-May-2005 12:00
Thank you for the nice comment on my butterfly image. It means a lot coming from someone with your talent. Your galleries are awesome!! I love the lake images!
Guest 28-May-2005 04:47
Thank you for your comments. I can't help notice how nicely your site has developed. You do wonderful work, capturing the natural beauty around you. Keep sharing your great images.

Rene M. 27-May-2005 21:48
I have just purchased the Olympus C7070 camera. Seeing your work has convinced me that I've made the right choice . Now all I have to do is fine-tune the camera with settings I like, and then fine-tune the photographer behind the camera.
Great work ! Thanks for sharing these beautiful landscapes .
Steve Albano26-May-2005 04:08
Hello Gary, I thought your work on PP was great, and it's even better here. I've only had time to browse a couple of your gallerys, but have you bookmarked and will be back to check up on you!
habitation 22-May-2005 22:57
I love this site! My friends and I spend tons of time on the quizzes and only today I found the Stick Man's death!!! I think this site is great! Nice work peoples!!
Touch07-May-2005 08:22
Bonjour, Gary ...

Merci de nous montrer que le monde est si beau !
On l'avait un peu oublié ces derniers temps...


Guest 07-May-2005 07:12
Greetings, Gary!

Just wanted to thank you for the very generous comments left for the 5/6 rose image in my Pad gallery...much appreciated! You've got a stunning set of galleries by the way! I've commented on a couple of the galleries and If I had the time, I could prob sit all day and leave comments for each one of your images! Beautiful work!


Guest 24-Apr-2005 22:03
thanks for the comments. Did you know that the highest elevation in Florida is 312 feet above sea leval.
Joy Wilhide20-Apr-2005 17:44
Thanks for commenting on my flower garden photo!
Guest 14-Apr-2005 01:58
Wow, amazing work. Thanks for sharing it with us...

Jay Que-
coaster12-Apr-2005 15:15
You have many beautiful photos, Gary. Keep up the great work!

Dan Wyman
Trevor Edwards12-Apr-2005 00:55
Wow Gary, you certainly know how to take a picture. The superb scenery helps you a lot. We've nothing like it over here, that or I just don't know where to look.
I am in awe of your scenery pictures. How did you get such wonderful colours? Was there any photshoping involved?
Super stuff I'll visit often.
rbfresno02-Apr-2005 09:43
Hi Gary!

Thanks for your comments on my gopher-eating Heron! I looked through your galleries and there are so many terrific images! Especially liked "favorites" and the "panoramas". You live a wonderful place to photograph. I was in the Banff/Lake Louise area about 15 years ago--beautiful country! I got my first DSLR last year and am having a great time learning about photography. Hope that someday I can fill my galleries with work of your caliber!

Best Regards!

Di31-Mar-2005 02:54
Wow, Gary! Your photography is awesome! I am truly honored that you would comment on one of my piddly pictures (thank you, by the way). You live in a truly spectacular place. Again, thanks for the nice comment.
Dennis Warren29-Mar-2005 03:19
I love the reflection on "Unloading the nets...". And, thanks for visiting my gallery. I couldn't get any still water...we had close to gale force winds that day.
don nieman13-Mar-2005 16:10

Thanks for your comments in my galleries. You really helped me with the horizon comment. I think I noticed it, but the picture is so personal to me I didn't pay attention to that part of the composition. It's the rookie neophyte photographer in me. It is amazing what you can learn from all the good photographers here on PBase.

I enjoy your work.

Don Nieman
Guest 08-Mar-2005 17:55
Thank you for your comments and giving me the opportunity to view your images. I think you live in one of the most beautiful parts of ther world. You're doing a great job capturing its beauty!

Keep them coming
Al Chesworth24-Feb-2005 18:32
Hi Gary
Your galleries are like a breath of fresh air, what a wonderfull part of the world to live and the photography is excellent.
Regards Al Chesworth
Konrad Busslinger23-Feb-2005 17:28
Gary, your photos are a poem. I can see and learn from your work, this is, what I wanted to tell you since longe time ago. Thanks for sharing your work.
Edith Z.S.,Austria 03-Feb-2005 19:36
Wonderfull pictures - we have been 2003 at canada and we loved the country and the people - sometime perhabs we will come back. Thank you for this beautifull pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jose Canovas27-Jan-2005 22:38
Hi Gary,
Thank you for visiting and comments. You have a Xtra feeling for nature. Everything looks great an deep on your pictures. Congratulations.
Mark Schretlen01-Jan-2005 20:32
Happy New Year Gary! Sooner of later, we will bump into each other at Banff. The outstanding work in your gallery has pretty much convinced me that I have to to carry (and use) my graduated ND filters more often.
Cheers, -- Mark --
Marielou Dhumez31-Dec-2004 17:01
Hi Gary ! I've just took a look at your whole galleries and let me tell you your work is a constantly high quality work. Congratulations !
Gary Hebert25-Dec-2004 07:46
You are most welcome Coleen. I live in Canada, always have, and am not familiar with those names.
Coleen Perilloux Landry25-Dec-2004 06:26
Thanks for your comments. Your name is so familiar. Were you once an aide to John Breaux, Billy Tauzin, Lindy Boggs??
markvm23-Dec-2004 18:07
Thanks for your comments, Gary. You have a great gallery and I enjoy them very much. Merry Christmas!
Stan Richard08-Dec-2004 12:56
Gary, thanks for the nice comments on my Fire in the Sky photo. Cheers! Stan
Guest 02-Dec-2004 01:20
You visited my album a while ago (only today did I realize that viewers could leave messages) -- thanks for the compliment, especially given the professional quality of your images.

Great shots!
markvm01-Dec-2004 14:34
Gary, Thanks for your comments. I've been having a big problem viewing images and even a bigger problem trying to post comments. It takes forever for pbase to cooperate. I have seen your gallery and you have soe very nice images. Keep up the good work!

Peter Hollinger23-Nov-2004 18:04
Hi Gary -- Thanks for your kind compliment. I've been enjoying your galleries. I visited Glacier National Park in Montana years ago, but I haven't gotten to the Canadian Rockies (yet!).
Pedro Libório17-Nov-2004 23:18
absolutly stunning galleries you have here,
a "must see" author!!!
in my favorites!!!
regards and thanks for your words too!!!
Canada East & West Photo15-Nov-2004 20:09
Thanks for your comment on my Church Cove picture.
But the quality of the photos in your Galleries, I can only aspire to.
Guest 14-Nov-2004 20:29
Gary, thank you for stopping by my gallery and commenting. It was your beautiful shots and help that lead us to going to Banff and Jasper. You really have inspired me and while we did not have great weather it did add to many of my photos. I had to wait over three hours to get a shot at Moraine Lake with some sun showing on the lake. I can't thank you enough Gary for your help and support. Thanks again.
Stan Richard03-Nov-2004 12:42
Gary, thanks for the comments on my autumn Hiking trail photo, much appreciated. Your photos are very impressive. Cheers! Stan
Johan Gerrits31-Oct-2004 13:05
Thanks VP for your great comment on my gallery, what a great looking galleries your showing here, have to visit your nice country.
Leif Tobias31-Oct-2004 07:17
Thank you for your kind comment of my last PaD picture. I also visit your galleries and your many reflections pictures are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing them.
C. White11-Oct-2004 22:08
You're absolutely right.
I appreciate that thought about the leaves.
Good comment.
C. White09-Oct-2004 14:43
Thank you for stopping by my gallery and commenting on my Gold Finch image
I being new to Pbase appreciate the encouragment. I enjoyed your
galleries as well. Very nice I'm sure to be back.
photos12308-Oct-2004 23:26
Thanks for yours comments. Your shots are several notches above mine! Well done.
Al Lewis 08-Oct-2004 14:29
Your wonderful photos has me even more enthused about getting back to hiking and photographing this spectacular area. Thanks Regards Al
Guest 07-Oct-2004 21:13
Thanks for your comments in my guestbook.
You have A LOT of great pictures! Beautiful composition and colors!
Banff National Park (and Cananda in general) is high on my list of places to visit. From what I've seen from Canada, it is a lot like Norway, but maybe even more impressive?
Keep the great pictures coming!

Best regards

Lars Henrik Kjolberg
Stan Richard22-Sep-2004 19:27
Gary, thanks for the comments on my Autumn Glory image. You have some very impressive work yourself. Cheers! Stan
robin statfeld18-Sep-2004 23:56
Gary, thanks for your kind comments on my architectural gallery, I'm especially glad that it gave me the opportunity to visit your spectacular landscapes!
Victor Tackett11-Sep-2004 23:39
Loved all of your Reflection shots. I'm still using my UZI, although I'm trying to figure which camera to try next.
Guest 06-Sep-2004 18:58
Thank you for your nice comment on my sky-photo. I really appreciate it. :-)
Susan T06-Sep-2004 13:19
Thanks Gary for visiting my site, I am just getting started in photography but having fun exploring this new hobbie! Gad I love your Banff pic's, absouoltely stunning! Thanks for sharing your work.
Susan T
xianan05-Sep-2004 09:23
Yours pictures were so nicely done. Thank you for sharing with us.
Gary Hebert04-Sep-2004 03:02
Thank you for the kind, thoughtful and encouraging words Greg. I am really just getting into the commercial photographic arena and enjoyed my visit at your site.
Greg McCroskery04-Sep-2004 01:40
Your galleries are truly inspiring! Your talent as a photographer is truly a gift. You have reminded me that a good photographer doesn't need $8,000 worth of camera gear to create beautiful images -- keep up the wonderful work!
God Bless,
Chris Spracklen26-Aug-2004 08:24
Your portfolio oozes quality, Gary!!
It's a pleasure to view your work ~ fantastic landscapes!
Kind regards, Chris
P.S. I'd value your thoughts on my images if you've got a moment to drop by. Thanks.
Don Spencer25-Aug-2004 15:14
hi Gary,

As a former Calgarian, (1977-1998) I only wish that digital cameras were available 25 years ago! you are getting some great shots of my favorite places, Peyto Lake, Emerald Lake, Morraine and Louise, making me jealous :)
Keep up the good work, well done!
Michel Bérubé24-Aug-2004 19:18
Simply gorgeous Gary.
Leslie Cohelan14-Aug-2004 15:08
Hi Gary, Pbase is a great way to go...I am slowly rebuilding mine too...thanks for stopping by...send me a card :~) when your paper arrives...and many thanks to you too..
Jim Woodworth13-Aug-2004 22:38
You're taking pictures of one of my very favorite areads. Will you please get busy and post more? They're great!
Diane Maccormack 10-Aug-2004 15:47
It is so exciting to see your own site and to be the 1st to enter your guestbook
I look forward to more brilliant photos