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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> My favorite Sunsets > pbase Sunset in Little Compton August 26 Crop 2_DSC1519.jpg
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pbase Sunset in Little Compton August 26 Crop 2_DSC1519.jpg

Today, I started my day with sunrise at second beach in Middletown and concluded the day watching a sailor row in to yacht club in Little Compton RI. Yes, Rhode Island is great place to live.

Some other shots from the day

Nikon D700
1/50s f/4.5 at 85.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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laine8227-Aug-2008 22:26
there should be a T in time :>)
laine8227-Aug-2008 22:25
Your having too good a ime...I'm envious.
Jackdad27-Aug-2008 18:34
some beautiful images from today Joan.