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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture of the Week >> Picture of the Week for 2006-2015 and now 2021 > January 10 2005.jpg
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January 10 2005.jpg

Somewaht of a cheat shot.. but viruses are runing amuck.

Leica D-Lux 2
1/1250s f/4.5 at 19.2mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bryan Ramsay25-Feb-2006 09:42
Absolutely stunningt colors. GMV -BJ
Chris12-Jan-2006 07:54
Juicy. Very nice.
Guest 12-Jan-2006 00:12
Gorgeous image
ewa toll11-Jan-2006 13:13
Karen Stuebing11-Jan-2006 11:28
I love the subtle change in the color. Beautiful sunset. Why is it cheating?
Steven Jusczyk11-Jan-2006 08:23
Looks beautiful to me, lovely glow!
Karen Leaf11-Jan-2006 03:57
If it's what you saw in your head (either in back of the camera or in front of the monitor) is it cheating??? Nah!
Gorgeous golden light.
Pic Chick11-Jan-2006 01:10
Cheat away! This is beautiful!!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography10-Jan-2006 23:14
Great shot, beautiful colors :)
northstar3710-Jan-2006 22:38
looks lovely though
Jackdad10-Jan-2006 22:30
a very serene shot - beautiful.
Mindy McNaugher10-Jan-2006 19:34
Absolutely beautiful!!
Guest 10-Jan-2006 18:14
Colourful serenity!
Guest 10-Jan-2006 16:44
Gorgeous! My vote..........
Guest 10-Jan-2006 16:26
simply beautiful.
Brian McAllister10-Jan-2006 16:17
Simply gorgeous Joan. Vote.
Bryan Murahashi10-Jan-2006 16:06
Beautiful sunrise colors here. Like the silohuettes and shadows as well. V.
Leo Charette10-Jan-2006 15:28
Nice scene with beautiful tones. Love the morring in the foreground.
Sheila10-Jan-2006 15:14
wow! totally gorgeous.
Gary Hebert10-Jan-2006 14:44
lovely tone and mood joan... beautiful peaceful pano...
Graham Tomlin10-Jan-2006 13:53
nice picture regards Helen
Gayle P. Clement10-Jan-2006 13:36
Beautiful clear skies and a wonderful light, Joan.
Guest 10-Jan-2006 13:28
Wonderful sunset, I cheated today as well, its not always possible to get a shot that you want in. But this is well worth A PAD
QUERIDO10-Jan-2006 13:15
very nice
Gilles Navet10-Jan-2006 12:59
Peace and Love
great "format", nice atmosphere
C'est ciselé au fond sur le village
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