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joanteno | all galleries >> Sunrise from the End of the Street >> Sunrises from 2006 > April 5 2006.jpg
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April 5 2006.jpg

Sunrise on April 5th..

Business/family trip --
Will try to catch up when
I get back..

Leica D-Lux 2
1/160s f/4.9 at 25.2mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bryan Ramsay09-Apr-2006 02:39
Very nice and serene. -BJ
ewa toll06-Apr-2006 19:21
tembapix06-Apr-2006 11:07
What lovely rich colours at sunrise. Wishing you a good trip.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography06-Apr-2006 10:19
Karen Stuebing06-Apr-2006 10:12
Wow, this looks like July. Hot and sultry color. Fantastic capture.
Jola Dziubinska06-Apr-2006 09:23
Lovely colors and light, superb shot.
Greg Harp06-Apr-2006 05:23
Excellent sunrise. Safe travels.
Gayle P. Clement06-Apr-2006 03:46
Have a wonderful trip.
Guest 06-Apr-2006 02:44
Wonderful reflections.
Pic Chick06-Apr-2006 02:38
Wow! This is absolutely gorgeous Joan! Is that Java swimming in the water? ;)
Safe travels!
Karen Leaf06-Apr-2006 02:12
I don't see any snow there !
Safe travels, Joan
Graham Tomlin06-Apr-2006 01:30
wonderful regards helen
Guest 06-Apr-2006 01:02
Wow indeed, stunning sunrise colours, well done!
Guest 05-Apr-2006 23:52
WOW, awesome, my screen just got hot GMV