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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> top_ten_pictures_of_dogs > pbase It all in his eys - JAVA August 13 2006.jpg
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pbase It all in his eys - JAVA August 13 2006.jpg

The look..

Nikon D100
1/60s f/1.8 at 50.0mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Tom Briggs25-Apr-2022 13:10
Most likely Java has left us by now (2022) for a better place but this photo tells me what a great friend he was ... V
JW15-Aug-2006 06:52
Java knows how to put on that face! Nice capture
Sheila15-Aug-2006 01:41
Can I come too?
Jackdad14-Aug-2006 22:45
"Got any food?" I know that look! :-)
Greg Harp14-Aug-2006 19:27
Terrific portrait.
Guest 14-Aug-2006 12:16
LOL Joan:-)) the concentration
ewa toll14-Aug-2006 07:37
love is in his eyes , beautiful shot
QUERIDO14-Aug-2006 06:38
love is in his eyes, nice shot
Karen Leaf14-Aug-2006 03:34
take me with you.... or give me a biscuit...... give me a stuffy...... take me with you........
Bryan Ramsay14-Aug-2006 02:56
You're not leaving him while you go out are you? Great shot! -BJ
Graham Tomlin14-Aug-2006 01:43
lovely regards Helen
Mindy McNaugher14-Aug-2006 00:51
Wonderful shot Joan! Oh, those eyes!
Pic Chick13-Aug-2006 23:52
Feeeeeeeed meeeeeee! I recognize that one :) Cute!!
joanteno13-Aug-2006 23:23
"you will give me that peice of pizza... "
northstar3713-Aug-2006 23:08
the hypnotist!