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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture of the Week >> Picture of the Week for 2006-2015 and now 2021 > pbase Give Thanks 1 November 23 2006.jpg
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pbase Give Thanks 1 November 23 2006.jpg

For the Thursday Transglobal, informal challenge "Giving Thanks.."

Lots to give thanks for this year.
As a virus is sidelining me to the couch, A doggie treat induced
one to pose for a shot..

Nikon D80
1/60s f/5.0 at 22.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Greg Harp28-Nov-2006 21:52
Wonderful shots.
NealyBob25-Nov-2006 00:45
Beautiful shot and a beautiful friend you have~!
Bill Ewart Jr24-Nov-2006 20:40
Great couch shooting!~
shatterbug24-Nov-2006 20:03
Awwww...that's so cute :-) Hope you feel better soon!
Bryan Ramsay24-Nov-2006 15:26
Hope you are feeling better soon! And yes they are Certainly something to be thankful for! -BJ
Guest 24-Nov-2006 09:50
Happy thanks giving Joan - hope you are feeling better soon and at least the dogs can cheer you up!
Guest 24-Nov-2006 03:28
Wonderful shot!
Wei O'Connell24-Nov-2006 02:23
Great shots. So cute and lovely.
Linda Willets24-Nov-2006 01:26
Happy Thanksgiving.. hope you feel better quickly
Jola Dziubinska23-Nov-2006 23:03
Patient model, indeed :)
olivier bruning23-Nov-2006 21:24
yes, be thankful for such a lovely and patient dog!
wernere0123-Nov-2006 21:21
Nice couple, but it´s the shot down below, that makes me laugh out loud.
Carole Stevens23-Nov-2006 20:16
Lol I love these images great shot a big kiss to the model!
Pic Chick23-Nov-2006 18:49
LOL - love the second shot of Java yukking it up!
Sorry to hear you are down and out - eat lots of turkey and stuffing - it always works for me :) Those darn planes always make me sick too :(
Barbara Heide23-Nov-2006 18:13
Happy Thanksgiving! and fight the virus! ask the doggy for a nice cup of tea..this might help...with a spoonful of honey! lol
Linda Matta23-Nov-2006 17:32
Quick recovery.......... thankful for your friend!
Guest 23-Nov-2006 17:12
LOL at the second photo - wonderful images - they made me smile
Bill Warren23-Nov-2006 16:40
Cheers to these friends.
ewa toll23-Nov-2006 16:17
very nice
Jackdad23-Nov-2006 16:08
oh dear, sounds like aeroplane air-con strikes again. :-( Hope you feel better soon.
Dan Chusid23-Nov-2006 15:13
Rest up and eat lots of turkey!
royalld23-Nov-2006 15:10
Get well soon.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Cindi Smith23-Nov-2006 15:03
I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Your pup is a cutie and loves you unconditionally. Wish more people were like that. Great shot!
Sheila23-Nov-2006 14:44
Yes a good and loyal friend is to be thankful for.