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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture of the Week >> Picture of the Week for 2006-2015 and now 2021 > pbase November 26 2006 Last boats.jpg
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pbase November 26 2006 Last boats.jpg

One of the last few sailboats that are still in the water..
November 26 2006

Nikon D80
1/400s f/8.0 at 135.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bill Paige18-Oct-2007 21:15
Awesome series of sun sets, Voted
Jim Larkin30-Dec-2006 22:56
Beautiful. Very serene.
Randy Adams06-Dec-2006 13:42
Andrew Cornick02-Dec-2006 07:05
perfect riverside sunrise, wonderful reflections.
Guest 01-Dec-2006 02:24
Great sunset and reflection. vote.
Greg Harp28-Nov-2006 21:50
Stunning! GMV
Steven Jusczyk28-Nov-2006 08:59
Lovely mist and golden glow!
Mindy McNaugher28-Nov-2006 01:37
Stunning shot! Vote!
Gordon W27-Nov-2006 21:34
Wow! Very nice.
ewa toll27-Nov-2006 19:54
Karen Stuebing27-Nov-2006 14:51
Love the warm tones. They're going to need an icebreaker to take that boat out. :) Beautiful sunrise and silouhettes. V.
Gilles Navet27-Nov-2006 11:51
So délicate réflexion here, perfect and beauty
Bravo V
royalld27-Nov-2006 03:21
Awesome color and reflection. Vote.
NealyBob27-Nov-2006 03:05
Gorgeous sunset. The reflection and colors are are very beautiful~! V
Bryan Ramsay27-Nov-2006 02:19
OBTW Voted! -BJ
Bryan Ramsay27-Nov-2006 02:19
Beautiful, love the steam/fog lifting off the water! -BJ
Guest 27-Nov-2006 01:48
Stunning shot! The tones are lovely. I like the depth in this image.
Guest 27-Nov-2006 01:37
Wonderful image. Like that reflection and mist; nice color.
Thierry Lucas26-Nov-2006 23:21
Very nice shot
Guest 26-Nov-2006 22:44
Fantastic shot Joan
Zak26-Nov-2006 20:18
Sharon Rogers26-Nov-2006 19:18
Super shot Joan! v>
Jackdad26-Nov-2006 17:13
exquisite shot, what a sunrise.
olivier bruning26-Nov-2006 16:16
absolutely stunning and gorgeous shot! WOW! VOTE!
Paolo Fercia26-Nov-2006 16:15
Stupenda per colori e composizione .
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography26-Nov-2006 16:01
Very beautiful image, with some "Far East" mood for me :)
Guest 26-Nov-2006 15:34
Fantastic! Magazine quality. V
Guest 26-Nov-2006 15:01
Beautiful! Up early, were we?
Katie Chew26-Nov-2006 14:49
Beautiful color and reflections! V
Tricia26-Nov-2006 14:02
Another gorgeous one Joan, you do get some beautiful skies and capture them so well.
northstar3726-Nov-2006 13:48
Guest 26-Nov-2006 13:11
Beautiful composition! This photo has it all, color softness & reflection GMV
Jola Dziubinska26-Nov-2006 13:09
This is beautiful, Joan! Wonderful atmosphere.