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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> RISD Photo courses >> Rhode Island School of Design Photo Course - Photo LIghting >> Assignment 1 - show us you best 5 shots > pbase Frustration of Travel June 15 2007 R1010046.jpg
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pbase Frustration of Travel June 15 2007 R1010046.jpg

This picture of the day is all my nieces idea! She wanted to express her frustration with traveling yesteday. She went from having a massage to the crazy world of dealing with cancelled flight and airline staff that was not helpful at times. At one point, potentially we were not going to get to Amsterdam at all!

Travel on Wenesday was totally crazy.

First, they shut down the Pittsburgh airspace to practice for an air show! So this was delay 1 and led to a fatal delay.
Second, thunderstorm meant that our flight from Pittsbugh to Philadephia was delayed to an arrival time post
when our flight for Amsterdam would leave. My favorite line of the day, "We can get you to Amsterdam on Monday - maybe..oh.. I guess you are out of luck."

Quick thinking on the spot and help from David Dosa - found a South West Flight that would get me to Philadelphia about 45 minutes prior to the next flight to Amsterdam. On the spot, bough a ticket. We made it with 1/2 hour spare. Our luggage is due tommorrow.

Than.. Equipment failure, change to 757 with total chaos of seat reassignment. Wrong galley - spent an hour on the ground while they tried to repackage the galley.

Than.. we were number 30th in line for take off.

It was all worth it to me. We had a great day in Amsterdam. I am so pround of my neice. She is such a trooper. Furthermore, she is a creative and special soul BTW, Happy Birthday - She turned 18 this week!

Life is good.

Day 1 - We had an Indonesia food for lunch, spectacular meal with wonderful vegetables and tofu. Took a canal boat ride and stopped at the flea market where my neice purchases some cheap, but great clothing. Ended the day walking to the I am Amsterdam sign. Wondeful day!

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1/50s f/2.5 at 5.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jackdad16-Jun-2007 18:16
thank goodness you made it!!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography16-Jun-2007 09:57
Very nice :)
Bryan Murahashi16-Jun-2007 05:33
Nice, frustrated capture.
Sheila16-Jun-2007 05:04
What a nightmare!
But you are awake now!
snootydog16-Jun-2007 03:52
Brilliant. I like them all but this main photo is spectacular
Pic Chick16-Jun-2007 01:39
These are all fab shots. I particularly like the main one - GREAT!!!

Enjoy your visit - the travel part always sucks, doesn't it?!
Guest 16-Jun-2007 00:50
It looks like you are making the best if it! V
Guest 15-Jun-2007 21:36
I always say, "The worst thing about travel?" The Travel. Enjoy wherever you may go!
JW15-Jun-2007 20:53
Sounds like all's well that ends well, but very frustrating for you. Great shots though!
Johnny JAG15-Jun-2007 19:58
The main pic looks like a teenage moment.