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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture of the Week >> Picture of the Week for 2006-2015 and now 2021 > Pbase Follow the light DSC_0867.jpg
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Pbase Follow the light DSC_0867.jpg

Oscar the Cat who holds vigils for nursing home residents

Nikon D80
1/30s f/2.8 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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kimene S12-Dec-2007 05:13
What a beautiful image! Vote
Jackdad09-Nov-2007 18:06
he's longer-coated than I thought!
Guest 09-Nov-2007 02:50
This one definitely needs to go in the book. Wonderful. V
Sue Roberts09-Nov-2007 01:00
such a cutie!
Máire Uí Mhaicín08-Nov-2007 19:10
Lovely shot of Oscar. He (she?) seems to know you are being a paparazza!
Bryan Murahashi08-Nov-2007 15:50
Nice shot of her in her sterile environment.