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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture a Day 2007 >> November 2007 > pbase Java on November 16 DSC_1000.jpg
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pbase Java on November 16 DSC_1000.jpg

Been a tough week for Java. -- Java had to go to the VET - got shots and treatment for an ear infection.
Thus, he very clingy tonight..

Nikon D80
1/20s f/2.2 at 50.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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ewa toll17-Nov-2007 16:43
poor Java , hope he's getting better soon !
Johnny JAG17-Nov-2007 15:16
Looks like he's making you pay for that trip to the v*t in more ways than one!
Jackdad17-Nov-2007 08:34
oh no, not the V*T!
Hope he's feeling A1 again soon.
Bryan Murahashi17-Nov-2007 04:17
Awww. Hopefully he'll have a relaxing weekend.
Gayle P. Clement17-Nov-2007 03:56
Poor Java! I love the photo. Great exposure on that shiny black coat.
Katie Chew17-Nov-2007 02:57
Nice shot.
Bryan Ramsay17-Nov-2007 02:38
Somedays I know the feeling! -BJ
Guest 17-Nov-2007 02:34
Awww. Clingy can be good though.
Herb 17-Nov-2007 00:56
Nice shot
Sam Stevenson16-Nov-2007 23:53
He needs some affection - what a look he's giving here! Great animal portrait.