Żnin Wąsk. by wiygN
Czerwinsk over Wisla River, October 2005 by Miroslaw Tomaszewicz
Christmas Illuminations and Decorations by Michal Leszczynski
Winter Wonderland by Michal Zaleski
Pog髍ze Przemyskie by Pawel Kotlarz
Wystawa - Ł骴ź 15-16 maj 2004 by TomaszS
Krak體 by Marijka
National Independence Day - 11 November 2009 by Michal Leszczynski
Lato 2005 by Piotr Sobolewski
Jeff Berlin Group by Marek Hofman
Weronika - 08.08.2009 by TomaszS
22th March 2008, Sky and Clouds, Three days in weather, Early Spring, Biala Podlaska by Michal Leszczynski